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Boomhair Professional Premium Collagen Plastia is a fundamentally new product in professional salon hair care. This innovative collagen straightening treatment is designed to provide your hair with not only flawless smoothness, but also intense moisturization, nourishment and repair.

This unique salon-quality formula is specially formulated to infuse hair with collagen and keratin, providing 100% straightening, eliminating frizz and adding vibrant shine. The product not only enhances the appearance of your hair, but also works deeply into the structure of your hair to provide long-lasting strength and health.

Premium Collagen Plastia features a unique and rich composition including hydrolyzed collagen, hydrolyzed keratin, hydrolyzed quinoa, hydrolyzed wheat and soy proteins, silk amino acids, carbocysteine, threonine and sericin.

This carefully selected combination of ingredients provides targeted hair repair and straightening, making the formula not only effective, but exceptional in its action to achieve healthy and beautiful hair.

The product stands out not only for its effectiveness, but also for its comfort in use. Its unique composition is designed to be soft and gentle, making the hair care process pleasant and safe for both the client and the specialist.


Unique Components:


  • HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN - strengthens hair fibers, improves elasticity, helps repair damaged hair and prevents breakage.
  • HYDROLYZED KERATIN - restores and strengthens the hair structure, improving its texture and shine. It helps to fill in damage at the hair cuticle, making hair smoother and more manageable.
  • HYDROLYZED PROTEIN - improves hair's ability to retain moisture, making it denser and silkier. It also helps to reduce hair porosity, providing a smoother and smoother texture.
  • AMINO ACID - Silk amino acids, carbocysteine, threonine, and sericin moisturize and revitalize hair, giving it strength and shine.

The main features and benefits of Premium Collagen Plastia:


  • Medium Wave Straightening. Effectively straightens hair for smoothness and perfect shape.
  • 100% Frizz Elimination. Thanks to its powerful formula, the product removes frizz, leaving hair smoother and more manageable.
  • Deep Moisturizing. Offers intense hydration, restoring moisture to the hair and retaining it.
  • Hair Renewal. The amino acids in the formula actively repair and renew hair, improving its overall condition.
  • Adaptability. The formula adapts to different hair types, offering customized care and solutions for each client.
  • Medium Film. Creates a protective layer that helps retain moisture and protects hair from external influences.
  • Glossy Shine. Gives hair a healthy and vibrant shine, enhancing its appearance.
  • High Thermal Protection. Protects hair from damage caused by high temperatures during styling.

Premium Collagen Plastia is not just a straightening product, it is a comprehensive professional care that makes hair straight, healthy, strong and shiny, meeting the needs of each client.

In essence — it is a universal assistant in achieving beautiful hair, which can be used both on its own and in combination with cold restorations and undercoats, as a finishing treatment that consolidates the result.



  1. Rinse your hair with a deep cleansing shampoo. Thick and natural hair 2 times, blond and damaged hair 1 time 
  2. Blow dry your hair. Thick and natural hair 100%, blond and damaged hair 90-100%.
  3. Divide the hair into sections and apply the composition to the hair with a 1 cm distance from the root. Use a short-bristled BoomHair brush for application
  4. Leave Collagen Plastia on the hair. The pause depends on the hair type. Thick and natural - 25 minutes. Blonde and damaged hair - 20 minutes. 
  5. Dry your hair with cold/warm air from a hair dryer, without heating it, 100%.
  6. Divide the hair into zones and iron the strands. The temperature regime and the number of broaches depends on the type of hair and the degree of damage. Thick and natural hair - 10-12 broaches, temperature 220-230 degrees. Thin hair - 10 broaches along the length and 6-8 broaches at the ends, 210 degrees. Blond and damaged hair (4-5 degree of damage) - 6-8 broaches along the length, temperature 180-190 degrees, 2-4 broaches at the ends, temperature 120-140 degrees. Do not steam blond hair until the sticky layer disappears, otherwise there is a high risk of damage. 
  7. Rinse your hair without shampoo and apply a nourishing mask. 
  8. Style as desired.
дуже крутий продукт , на тонке волосся -це особливий кайф ))))
Тимченко Аліса, дякуємо за чудовий відгук та високу оцінку !
Ми дуже раді, що продукт вам підійшов і дав такий чудовий результат!

З повагою, команда BRAZIL-PROF 🇧🇷❤️🇺🇦
Доброго дня!
Скажіть будь ласка чи є в складі формальдегід чи його похідник?
Маріанна, доброго вечора! Дякуємо за ваше запитання.

У складі колагенопластії Boomhair Professional Premium Collagen Plastia формальдегіду або його похідних немає.

Актуальний склад продукту ви можете знайти в характеристиках для детального ознайомлення. Якщо виникнуть додаткові питання, будемо раді допомогти!

З повагою, команда BRAZIL-PROF 🇧🇷❤️🇺🇦
Ще є питання: якщо склад безпечний (без формальдегіду) чому заборонено вагітними і годуючим мамам?
Маріанна, доброго дня! Щиро дякуємо за ваші запитання та інтерес до нашої продукції. Хоча склад колагенопластики Boomhair Professional Premium безпечний і не містить формальдегіду, ми рекомендуємо уникати гарячих процедур під час вагітності та лактації. Це пов’язано з можливістю алергічної реакції на окремі компоненти, такі як віддушки, масла чи екстракти, які можуть викликати індивідуальну чутливість.

Щодо використання маски на обличчя під час випаровування, радимо також уникати її, щоб запобігти можливому дискомфорту чи подразненню.

Якщо у вас залишаться додаткові запитання, ми завжди готові допомогти! З найкращими побажаннями, команда BRAZIL-PROF 🇧🇷❤️🇺🇦
Підкажіть будь ласка , після виходу з темного ( кислотна змивка і фарбування ) коли можна робити процедуру ?
Ксенія, дякуємо за запитання! 😊 Після кислотної змивки і фарбування процедуру можна робити через 2-3 тижні. Рекомендуємо попередньо перевірити стан волосся та провести відновлювальний догляд для кращого результату.

З турботою, команда BRAZIL-PROF 🇧🇷❤️🇺🇦
Скажіть будь ласка на спалений блонд яку температуру після під ложки треба давати ?
Руслано, дякуємо за ваше запитання! Неможливо заздалегідь точно визначити температуру при проведенні процедури на пошкоджений блонд, адже це залежить від ступеня пошкодження волосся і тест-пряді. Для гарячої процедури орієнтовні температури такі: для 1-2 ст. пошкодження – 220-230 градусів, для 3 ст. – 190-200 градусів, для 4 ст. – 160-170 градусів. Сподіваємося, що ця інформація буде корисною. З повагою, команда Brazil-Prof.
Скільки часу тримається процедура ?
Мороз Юлія, дякуємо за Ваше запитання! Результат процедури колагенопластії Boomhair Professional Premium Collagen Plastia тримається в середньому 3 місяці. Це залежить від початкового стану волосся, ступеня його пошкодження та пористості. З повагою, команда Brazil-Prof.

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Boomhair Professional Premium Collagen Plastia for hair 250 ml (sample)

SKU BK0102
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Brand Boomhair Professional
Made in Brazil
Volume 250 ml
Product condition New

Hair cosmetics are packaged in different types of containers: bottles, jars, tubes, ampoules, etc. We strongly recommend using the factory packaging.

If you use filling in other (non-factory) types of packaging, under the influence of external factors, cosmetics lose their consumer qualities inherent in the manufacturer. If you buy cosmetics on filling, you should use them as soon as possible.

Type of cosmetics

Cosmetic products are divided into many types: keratins, botoxes, restoratives, masks, shampoos, conditioners, etc. This characteristic shows which type a particular product belongs to.

Keratin for hair, Collagenoplastica
Class of cosmetic

Cosmetics for hair presented in our online store is divided into two types:

  1. Professional cosmetics — has a high concentration of active ingredients, used in the salon industry by masters, stylists and trimentologists. In unskilled hands, without proper training or with a violation of the instructions, there is a high probability of damaging, instead of getting the desired result. It is important not only to choose the right professional cosmetic product, but also the competence of the doctor performing the procedure.
  2. Mass-market cosmetics — has a much lower concentration of active ingredients. It is used for prolongation and maintaining the effect of professional procedures. However, it can be safely used at home, every day. Sometimes this type of cosmetics can be used to prepare for some salon procedures. 
Application time

This composition is universal and does not require a long soak on the hair. It can be rinsed off on the day of the procedure.

It should be noted that the first keratin complexes of the old generation required 3 to 4 days of soaking on the hair to get a quality result. 

Straightening degree

Keratins and botoxes, depending on the line or brand, differ in the strength of straightening. It is worth emphasizing that the strongest keratin, is not the best. The keratin composition is selected based on the goals set. 

Strong curl straightening is suitable for afro curls. Medium wave straightening is for all hair types. Light wave straightening is suitable for bleached, damaged and thin hair. Paying attention to this recommendation you can make a really professional choice.


Professional cosmetics for hair are mainly used by women. However, there are absolutely no restrictions or contraindications for the use of this cosmetics by men. Therefore, the entire professional line is unisex

Hair type

The type of hair for which the cosmetic is designed.

All hair types, Curly, Thick, Brittle, Natural, Naughty, Normal, Damaged, Blond, Bleached, Dry, Thin, Sensitive, Porous
Type of scalp

The type of scalp for which the cosmetic is designed.

All scalp types, Sensitive, Combination, Normal, Dry, Oily

Professional hair cosmetics are used to achieve different results. Depending on the problem and the preferences of the end users (customers).

Some need to straighten the hair for a long time, others prefer only to restore the hair after various chemical influences, others need shine or moisturizing, and the fourth all at once. 

Some cosmetic compositions are aimed at solving narrow problems, such as just straightening. Some products are more versatile and combine both straightening and restorative and other functions

Based on the needs and the desired result, the necessary complex is selected. 

Straightening, Restoration, For shine, For hair growth, Hair Treatment, Nutrition, Smoothing, Thermal Protection, Hydration, Strengthening, Thickening

Most professional salon hair treatments are recommended from the age of 18. This is due not only to possible allergic reactions, but also to the fact that the hair of young people in most cases does not require serious professional intervention or correction.

For those under the age of 18, there are other, safe and revitalizing hair spa treatments. Pay attention to the recommended age of application when choosing a cosmetic product.

Suitable for pregnant women

Most professional cosmetics for hair, have a high concentration of oils, preservatives and other active ingredients that can cause allergic reactions. Such products should not be used during pregnancy and lactation

However, many manufacturers, in the range there are special product lines that are safe and suitable for pregnant and lactating women. Such cosmetics for hair costs more because of a more complex manufacturing process. Safety is first of all. This characteristic should always be considered in your choice.

Shelf life in open storage 12 month
Consumption of the composition

This characteristic shows the approximate consumption of the composition for the procedure for a certain length of hair. The approximate values are given because all hair has individual characteristics. 

Some hair may be dense and thick. Consequently will require a slightly higher consumption of the product. Other hairs may be sparse and thin and require less than the recommended amount.

It's important not to over-saturate the hair. Remember, more is not better! 

Shoulder length: 15-20 ml; Length to shoulder blades: 20-30 ml; Length to the waist: 30-40 ml

The list of ingredients that are contained in this cosmetic.

Aqua, Cetearyl Alcohol, Behentrimonium Methosulfate, Behentri- monium Chloride, Polyquaternium – 10, Parfume, Dimethiconol, Hydrolyzed Collagen, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Hydrolyzed Quinoa, Hydrolyzed Wheat Protein, Hydrolyzed Soy Protein, Silk Amino Acids, Carbocysteine, Threonine, Sericin, Caprylic/Capric Triglycer- ide, Aminopropyl Phenyl Trimenthicone, Astrocaryum Murumuru Seed Butter, Avena Sativa Meal Extract, Citric Acid, Citrus Sinensis Fruit Extract, Ananas Sativus Fruit Extract, Methylisothiazolinone / Methylcholoroisothiazolinone, D-Limonene

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