Hair loss is a completely natural process. Each of us loses about a hundred or a hundred and fifty hairs every day. All hairs grow for 2-7 years, after which they fall out. Over time, a new hair will grow in place of the lost hair. However, sometimes the number of lost hairs increases significantly, which may indicate different pathological processes and requires mandatory medical consultation. In such a situation, a person may be diagnosed with alopecia areata, which is a term that describes pathological hair loss. This condition can occur in people of different sexes and ages, including children and adolescents.

Disturbing symptoms

выпадают волосы что делатьOne of the simple options that allow you to determine the presence of alopecia is a trivial calculation - you should scrupulously count how many hairs fall out per day. But the number of lost hairs is not the only criterion for problems. You should be alert and seek help from a specialist also if you are concerned:

  • brittle strands throughout the length, a significant number of split ends, increased dryness of hair;
  • loss of healthy shine of strands, dullness of color;
  • scalp discomfort and itching;
  • the appearance of dandruff.

You can deal with minor problems yourself with the help of cosmetic products. But if your hair is falling out in shreds and there are other alarming symptoms, you should see a doctor. A specialist will help you understand why your hair is falling out and tell you how to stop this process.

Causes of hair loss

Sometimes hair loss is the body's natural reaction to hormonal fluctuations. A vivid example is pregnancy - while carrying a child, the locks become incredibly thick and beautiful, this is influenced by an increase in the level of female hormones. However, after childbirth, the strongest loss begins - the hair simply falls off. But this phenomenon is not alopecia in women, it is often completely normal, it is not baldness, but a natural process.

почему выпадают волосыHowever, hormonal changes can also be pathological. Possible causes of hair loss in women include increased levels of testosterone (the main male hormone). Such a disorder can also manifest itself in menstrual cycle failures, the appearance of acne and seborrhea, infertility and other symptoms. There are also other types of hormonal problems, such as thyroid disorders, etc.

One of the possible causes of hair loss in men and women is androgenic alopecia. This condition is caused by hormonal disorders and has a hereditary factor (the risk of its development is inherited). In this condition, the strands thin in the temple area, along the cork and on the top of the head.

Other causes of hair loss may include:

  • deficiency of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, healthy fatty acids, etc.);
  • regular stress, anxiety and excessive psycho-emotional stress;
  • internal diseases, including diabetes, various types of anemia, dermatological diseases, pancreatic problems, anorexia, digestive tract disorders, etc.;
  • Taking certain medications, including hormonal contraceptives, chemotherapy drugs, etc.

Types of alopecia

In addition to the androgenic alopecia we have already discussed above, trichologists doctors also distinguish other types of such a disease, including:алопеция это

  • Diffuse alopecia. In this disorder, a uniform active loss of hair over the entire surface of the scalp is recorded.
  • Alopecia areata. It is also called nesting alopecia. In this disorder, there is selective damage to hair follicles, which is manifested by foci of hair loss on the head and trunk - the appearance of bald spots.

Depending on the degree of damage to the hair follicles, alopecia areata can be:

  • non-rubic - caused by a variety of factors and does not damage hair follicles;
  • scarring - provokes scar deformation and destruction (destruction) of follicles, can be provoked by infections, traumatic injuries and other factors, has an unfavorable issue.

If hair loss develops, only a doctor can determine the causes of this condition. And with intense baldness, it is important to seek medical help as early as possible. The doctor can also answer the question of why the hair roots hurt. and other questions related to the health of the locks.

Can prolapse occur due to improper care?

Wondering in which disease hair loss is severe, it is worth paying attention not only to the general state of care, but also to the basic care of the strands. Improper care of curls can also provoke loss. Such a problem can occur at:

  • chemical exposure - perms or aggressive coloring;
  • thermal damage - overheating with hair dryers, irons and other thermal appliances;
  • abuse of styling products;
  • too tight hairstyles (braids or ponytails).

How to treat hair loss?

причины выпадения волосAll patients with alopecia are interested in what to do if the hair falls out. And if the strands are thinning literally before your eyes, you should not self-medicate. It is recommended to seek help from a specialist trichologist, it is this doctor who deals with the health of the hair. He will collect anamnesis, examine the patient and prescribe additional studies. Diagnostic procedures and tests for hair loss may include:

  • compulsory tests - general blood and urine tests;
  • biochemical tests;
  • tests for hormone levels;
  • tests for infectious diseases;
  • diagnostic dermatoscopy to examine the condition of the scalp and scalp skin;
  • phototrichogram - a special study that evaluates the density of hair growth, the number of hairs per follicle, hair types based on their diameter, and the balance of hair at different stages of the life cycle.

If a patient is diagnosed with alopecia areata, treatment may include:

  • special hair care;
  • hormone treatment;
  • taking anti-inflammatories;
  • physical therapy;
  • cosmetologic procedures (mesotherapy, ozone therapy, plasmolifting, etc.);
  • symptomatic treatment.

If the loss is temporary and not too pronounced, then what to do if the hair falls out is to take care of proper care of strands, lead a healthy lifestyle, eliminate bad habits and provide the body with enough nutrients.что делать если выпадают волосы

Special care for hair loss

When hair loss, it is necessary to select a set of home care products that will strengthen the strands and stimulate the growth of new ones. The home care kit should include:

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