Thanks to the development of modern cosmetology, every girl can make quite radical changes to her appearance in a matter of hours. In particular, from dull, weakened and split strands you can make a smooth, smooth, shiny and full of strength hair. This effect is given by Botox, a popular beauty procedure, the main purpose of which is deep restoration and revitalization of the strands. Let's try to understand the intricacies of its implementation in more detail. Let's find out how to do Botox for hair?

Botox for hair: purpose and effectiveness

Before proceeding to the analysis of the algorithm of the procedure, it is necessary to understand why do hair botox. Such a procedure helps to cope with a number of problems, including:Botox for hair

  • cutting of the ends;
  • damage to the structure of the hair;
  • dryness and lifelessness;
  • yellowing of the pigment in blondes (Botox with anti-yellow formula - blue pigment is used to eliminate yellowing);
  • unruly;
  • dullness, lack of shine;
  • brittleness, impaired hair growth.

Botox can improve the structure of the strands from within. This effect is due to the fact that the composition of funds for such a procedure contains a huge amount of nourishing, regenerating and moisturizing components. They penetrate into the hair shaft, improving its structure and the overall appearance of the strands. Curls become smooth, obedient and get a healthy shine along the entire length.

What does Botox hair do: preparations and their types

For deep restoration of the strands can not be used the usual improvised means, home masks and other similar compositions. What is done botox hair - is a special preparations with unique formulas, their composition may include:

  • nourishing components (vitamins, healthy fats Omega-3-6-9, minerals);
  • moisturizing components (hyaluronic acid, wheat, oat or silk extracts, green tea extracts, etc.);
  • building materials (intra-silane, cysteine, keratin and other amino acids);
  • emollients, including peptides, oils (soy, argan oil, macadamia oil, coconut oil, etc.).

Such components are in balance with each other. They penetrate deep into the hair shaft and contribute to its restoration at the molecular level, as well as enveloping each hair around, creating a kind of protective coating.

How does Botox for hair?

Having understood the effect of this procedure and the features of the composition, we can now proceed to the question of how to make Botox for hair. This procedure is usually carried out in the salon, and it is engaged by an experienced specialist with the appropriate skills. Botox is done in several stages:

  • Strands are washed several times, using a special deep cleaning shampoo - such a product forces the scales of the hair shaft to lift and facilitates penetration of the active substances deep into the hair;
  • Hair drying with a hair dryer on a warm mode;
  • The product for Botox hair is applied to the strands, it must necessarily be applied in stages so that it is evenly distributed;
  • After 20-30 minutes of exposure, curls are dried with a hair dryer and passed over them with a flat iron;
  • After the strands have cooled for 15 minutes, Botox is washed out, the hair is kept under a restoring mask, washed again and dried with a hair dryer.

Avoid temperature effects on the hair will help cold Botox, how to do this procedure can be found in a qualified master. He will also give advice on what option will be better for your particular hair type.

Many girls, after reading the description of the procedure, think that there is nothing complicated about it. After this, it is natural that the question arises about how to do Botox hair at home. In fact, to carry out such a restoration of the strands can also be done at home - the means for it can be freely bought on the Internet or offline stores. But at the same time, few people understand how to do botox hair, because for an excellent result you need to observe a lot of subtleties:how to make Botox for hair

  • choose a product tailored to individual needs and peculiarities;
  • to ensure that the composition is applied evenly;
  • properly and evenly dry the hair;
  • qualitatively process strands with the iron, selecting the optimal temperature, taking into account the characteristics of the composition and the goals.

Even if you know all the information about how to do Botox for hair, at best the result of the home procedure will look acceptable, but will be inferior to the qualified work of a specialist. And in the worst case, there is a risk that your hair will be damaged at all, which will require an appeal to a master and will cause new expenses for restoration. 


How long does the effect last and how often can the procedure be repeated?

The effect of Botox depends on several factors:

  • the initial condition of the strands;
  • the selected product;
  • professionalism of the master;
  • the correct care after the procedure.

Regardless of how hair Botox is done, it cannot stay on the hair longer than 3 months. If the strands were bleached, heavily damaged or porous curly, then the wearing time can be reduced to 1 month. Nevertheless, if the procedure is repeated quite regularly, each time the effect will last longer and longer - there is a so-called cumulative effect. But still the answer to the question of how often you can do Botox for hair usually sounds like - no more than once every three months. However, the timing can vary in the direction of reducing this term, and in the direction of its extension - all depends on the purpose of the procedure, its impact on the locks and the condition of the curls.

You can buy Botox preparations for hair, keratin, as well as products for the care of strands after the procedure and other cosmetics in the online store Brazil-Prof. Here you can find the best range of products from the top Brazilian manufacturers, and everyone can order such products with delivery all over USA, Europe: Warsaw, Kyiv, Rome, London, Budapest, Berlin, and Ukraine (including Odessa, Kiev, Lviv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Zaporozhe, etc.).