Girls are always trying to look perfect, and modern advances in cosmetology and hairdressing help to cope with such a difficult task. And an important part of the perfect image is luxurious hair. через сколько после кератина можно красить волосыTo make unkempt frizzy or curly strands smooth, beautiful and full of shine, you can perform keratin straightening. But is it possible to color hair after keratin? How to combine these two procedures? Let's try to understand a little more in detail.

What is the essence of keratin hair straightening?

можно ли красить волосы после кератинаTo understand how compatible hair coloring and keratin straightening are, it is necessary to understand what each of these procedures is. Keratin straightening involves the application of products containing keratin molecules to the locks. Thanks to a special formula, they are embedded in the structure of the hair shaft, fill voids and contribute to the equalization of the hair structure. In addition, keratin straightening products contain various nutrients, including oils, vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, plant extracts and more. Through their application:

  • strands become healthy, shiny and elastic;
  • straightens curls and unruly frizzes, hair becomes really smooth, perfectly even and pleasantly silky;
  • the hair shaft gains internal density and vitality, strands become thicker, completely eliminates the problem of sectioning along the entire length, there is a treatment of excessive brittleness.

To make the keratin penetrate deep into the structure of the strands, the master uses an iron. Hot temperatures help to fix the result and make sure that each hair is covered with a thin protective layer.

The effect of keratin straightening depends on the quality of the chosen product - cheap mass-market products can not give a good result. Therefore, an adequate price is largely a marker of keratin quality.

Hair coloring: basic nuances

To understand how long it is possible to dye hair after keratin, you need to know the main features of the process of coloring strands. The main purpose of this procedure is to change the color of the curls, and for this purpose, manufacturers scrupulously work on the features of the composition of hair dyes. Usually they include the following components that determine their effectiveness:

  • Hydrogen peroxide. It acts as an oxidizing agent and developer. Provides lightening of the natural pigment of the strands. It is used in different types of colors.
  • Alkaline components. Raises the scales of each hair shaft, performs the function of preparing the strands to allow penetration of coloring components inside.

Coloring strands involves replacing the natural pigment of human hair with coloring substances. This effect is only possible due to the full opening of the hair scales.

Can I color my hair after keratin?

Many girls are interested in how long after keratin you can color your hair. In fact, during the first 2-3 days after the procedure, it is better to avoid any actions with hair, since at this time the keratin layer is still being fixed. What else should not be done after keratin? It is not allowed to get water on the hair, strands can not even be rolled or collected in a ponytail. But a small amount of patience allows you to get really luxurious curls.

But still, how long after coloring can you do keratin? As a result of such keratin straightening is a strong gluing of the scales of the hair shaft, and each hair is also covered with a thin protective layer. And for successful coloring, as we have already said, it is important that the structure of the strands was as open as possible - the scales were raised. If it is not, hair dye after keratin straightening simply can not penetrate inside, and the effect of coloring will be insufficient, uneven or may even be completely absent. Hair scales begin to lift only 2-3 weeks after keratin, when the layer of keratin products will be gradually washed away. But the more time that passes from keratin straightening to coloring, the better.

Absolutely the same will be the answer to the question of whether you can lighten hair after keratin. Of course, it is possible to lighten hair, but only after the keratin layer is slightly removed.

Can I color my hair shortly before keratin straightening?

Having studied the question of the combinability of coloring and keratin, many girls wonder whether it is possible to dye hair before keratin. And most masters agree that this sequence of procedures will be the only correct option. And even more, keratin after coloring will help to make the colored hair more uniform in color, it will also seal the pigment inside the hairs, which will prevent it from washing out. To achieve great results, you can use a high quality Felps Color hair dye in combination with Boomhair Professional Cacau Keratin or PerfectLiss Brazilian Keratin Tourmaline.

To get the best effect, you should color your hair 3-4 days before applying keratin. But it is important to remember that after keratin straightening strands need special systematic care, which will help to increase the wear time of keratin and maintain the health of the hair. An important role is played not only by limiting the impact on the curls in the first days after the procedure, but also by regular grooming procedures:

  • cleansing with a sulfate-free shampoo;
  • systemic application of conditioner or conditioner for hair;
  • additional care with masks and other products.

Comprehensive care will provide not only a longer effect of keratin, but also, naturally, maintenance of hair color. After keratin straightening it is quite possible to use thermal styling tools - they are not under a ban.

And you can buy everything you need for keratin straightening or coloring your strands inexpensively in the Brazil Prof online store. We have collected an excellent range of products from the best manufacturers. Here you can order hair dyes and oxidizers, as well as high quality thermal protection for strands at a nice competitive price. We deliver all over Europe, USA, Canada and other countries.