Autumn is not an easy period for our hair. They have not yet had time to get over the stress of the summer, and already began to suffer because of avitaminosis. That is why it is necessary to help them. The best way to do this is to visit a beauty salon and undergo a course of restorative procedures:


Ламинирование волосDuring this procedure the hair is thoroughly cleaned with a special shampoo, then a protein mask is applied, over which the laminating composition is applied. Lamination will protect the hair from the effects of nail polish, cold wind, and hair curling. After such procedure the hair becomes lush, hair looks shiny, and is easy to comb. The effect lasts up to 3 months. This procedure is not suitable only for owners of thick, stiff hair.


Cauterization is also a restorative salon procedure. During the session, hair is washed with a soft protein shampoo, then a serum is applied and heated with a hair dryer or special iron. After drying, protein concentrate is applied on top of the serum and washed off after a quarter of an hour. The final stage of the procedure is the treatment of the hair, sealing the scales on them. The effect of cauterization is comparable to the result of lamination. The only difference is that the hair is not just sealed, but almost completely restored to its structure.

Such procedure is especially recommended in cases of severe hair damage. Cauterization should be done as a course of one month, performing the procedure once a week. In addition to care in the salon, the hair should receive appropriate care at home as well. Usually, badly damaged hair is treated with hot cauterization. This procedure is completely incompatible with coloring.

Hair cutting with hot scissors

Стрижка горячими ножницамиThis method of restoration is most often chosen for the care of long hair. Its essence is the shearing, which is performed by special scissors heated to a certain temperature. Due to this cutting, the hair cut is sealed, which allows nutrients and moisture to be retained inside it longer. After the procedure, hair stays beautiful for two months and longer.

Keratin Straightening

Keratin straightening is a salon procedure during which the hair is cleaned with a special shampoo, treated with a keratinous composition, then dried and smoothed with a flat iron. Under the influence of temperature, the keratin composition hardens and holds hair in a straight position. As a result, the hair stops frizzing, becomes manageable, smooth and shiny. The method is suitable for practically everyone, the result of the procedure lasts for almost six months, provided that the hair is properly cared for after it. Those who are going to sea resorts, do not need keratin hair straightening: the salt water will quickly destroy the keratin layer, and the result of the procedure will disappear quickly. It is not recommended to apply it during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and also during any other period when hair loss is strong.